Monday, November 10, 2008

After The Concert

Last night, our Michigan Concert Choir were the performers for the Royal Oak First United Methodist Church's Concert Series. They are located at a very old church in Royal Oak Michigan. They had a great pipe organ and a wonderful piano to play. We sang for about 1 hour 20 minutes including a 10 minute intermission. I must say we sang very well last night. A lot of our music was spiritual, but we did "Phantom of the Opera" and "Over the Rainbow" and two ensemble pieces "Rhythm of Life" (from the Lion King) and an original piece by one of our members about the Trials of Job. When we got home, we asked our friend, Kathy Starr, to take our picture in our concert attire. So this is what we looked like last night.


Mary said...

Very nice! I think you are doing well on the blog.

wkay - peggy said...

Looking good !!! I agree with Mary your blog is very nice. It is just so much fun to see what everyone is doing.